army forces 意味

  • army fòrces
    〔軍〕陸軍部隊(cf.?armed forces ).


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the headquarters of the u .s . army forces far east proclaimed the occupation administration in korea (denial of immediate independence ).
    - アメリカ極東軍司令部、朝鮮における占領行政を宣言(即時独立否認)
  2. the headquarters of the u .s . army forces far east proclaimed the occupation administration in korea (denial of immediate independence ).
    - アメリカ極東軍司令部、朝鮮における占領行政を宣言(即時独立否認)
  3. insisted to observe neutrality , the nagaoka domain did not swear allegiance to the army forces of the government; however , their claim was not accepted , and then the war broke out which ended up in defeat .
  4. after he was released , he worked together with kazue soma , under the direction of saemon kasuga , who was the commander of the former edo bakufu ' s army forces (edo bakufu was the last japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ).


        army air forces:    {組織} : 《米》陸軍航空隊{りくぐん こうくうたい}◆【略】AAF
        army occupation forces:    (陸軍{りくぐん}による)占領軍{せんりょう ぐん}
        strategic army forces:    {組織} : 《米》戦略陸軍部隊◆【略】STRAF
        theater army forces:    戦域陸軍部隊{せんいき りくぐん ぶたい}
        ready reserve strategic army forces:    {組織} : 緊急予備役戦略陸軍部隊◆【略】RRSTRAF
        rebel kosovo liberation army forces:    反体制派{はん たいせい は}のコソボ解放軍{かいほうぐん}
        us army forces - far east:    アメリカ極東軍{きょくとう ぐん}◆【略】USAFFE
        united states army forces - far east:    
        army:     army n. 陸軍; 軍, 軍隊; 大群. 【動詞+】 photographers who accompanied the army in Vietnam ベトナムに従軍したカメラマン They advanced the army up to new positions. 新しい陣地へと軍隊を進めた The army was arranged for b
        in the army:    入隊{にゅうたい}して、陸軍軍人{りくぐん ぐんじん}になって
        this is the army:    {映画} : 陸軍中尉◆米1943
        aerospace forces:    エアロスペース部隊{ぶたい}
        aggressor forces:    攻者、対抗部隊{たいこう ぶたい}、攻撃軍
        allied forces:    allied forces 連合軍 れんごうぐん
        amphibious forces:    上陸作戦部隊{じょうりく さくせん ぶたい}、水陸両用部隊{すいりく りょうよう ぶたい}


  1. "army engineer research and development laboratory" 意味
  2. "army establishment" 意味
  3. "army exchange" 意味
  4. "army faction" 意味
  5. "army for self-defense" 意味
  6. "army freak" 意味
  7. "army general classification test" 意味
  8. "army group" 意味
  9. "army group commander" 意味
  10. "army faction" 意味
  11. "army for self-defense" 意味
  12. "army freak" 意味
  13. "army general classification test" 意味

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